Why collage?

Collage reflects the fragmented nature of these alternative definitions of home (one’s that cannot be encapsulated in conventional, stable definitions of home). In its fragmentation, it also has the ability to weave together different temporalities, displaying the way definitions of home change over time and how ideas of home can combine features from separate times in one’s life. There is also a sense of play in collage which I think is important to facilitate and counteract some of the (at least for me) panic-inducing and existential questions about home.

Megan Sigalos – Hong Kong, Thailand, New York, the UK, Switzerland, and the UAE

Kay Dominguez – Mexico and Texas

Veronica Goss – New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Chile, Panama, and Germany

Sulan Bailey – New York (the Bronx and Middletown) and Jamaica

Take a listen to my podcast with Terry in which we reflect on the process of working on our projects! The podcast also includes excerpts of the conversations my friends and I had while making our collages. If you want to listen to more about Terry’s project, check out her page!